Informe de actividades del IDPC para el período 2020-2021


Informe de actividades del IDPC para el período 2020-2021

8 diciembre 2021

El IDPC contextualiza su más reciente período de actividades a la luz de 15 lecciones aprendidas en el transcurso de 15 años de existencia de nuestra red. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

Excerpt from the Foreword:

It is with great pleasure that I present this Progress Report in celebration of IDPC’s 15th anniversary.This report is structured around 15 critical lessons that we have learnt over the last 15 years and in parallel showcases highlights of our work in 2020-2021. All 15 lessons are essential and will guide the focus of our network in the coming years, resonating strongly with our new Strategic Plan for 2021-2023.

The first lesson – that our success is driven by our strong, supportive membership – is, and has always been, our North Star.

IDPC was founded to connect diverse groups around the world in advocating for reform of harmful, failed and unjust drug laws and policies. One of the central organising principles for the network was to maximise the collective impact of strongly interconnected advocacy at the national, regional and global levels. I am proud that IDPC’s mandate as a network first and foremost remains at the heart of all that we do at the Secretariat.

As a fledging network IDPC started with less than 30 members, and on our 15th anniversary we now number nearly 200 members from over 70 countries. Together we have tirelessly brought the evidence to bear in advocating for reform of drug policies; for the respect and adherence to human rights; and for the strong, consistent and meaningful engagement of civil society and communities. We have built strong and credible relationships with committed individuals working in government and UN bodies to shift the debate immeasurably in this time, and the previous blind adherence to punitive prohibition has become utterly untenable.

The drug policy reform movement grows ever broader, more diverse, intersectional and sophisticated. We are excited and humbled to be a part of this strong and unstoppable global show of force. There is no doubt that our collective mission is not over, and much more needs to change in order to achieve our vision of drug policies that advance social justice and human rights. In this regard, the 15 lessons presented in this year’s report – which are exemplified by 15 highlights of our work from April 2020 to March 2021 – will guide and focus our efforts as we work together in solidarity to end the endemic global war on drugs. I hope you will enjoy reading our latest Progress Report.

In solidarity,

Ann Fordham
Executive Director

Read previous IDPC progress reports: