Un enfoque de salud pública frente al uso de drogas en Asia: principios y prácticas para la descriminalización
En este informe, el IDPC ofrece recomendaciones basadas en pruebas empíricas y ejemplos de buenas prácticas para informar un cambio en las respuestas normativas al uso de drogas en Asia, de forma que se alejen de la criminalización y el castigo, y se dirijan hacia la salud pública y la reducción de daños. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.
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In this report, the International Drug Policy Consortium offers recommendations based on evidence and examples of good practice to inform a shift in policy responses to drug use in Asia away from criminalisation and punishment, and towards public health and harm reduction. It describes effective approaches to the decriminalisation of drug use. It also discusses approaches implemented in Asia that have proven ineffective, such as the detention of people who use drugs in compulsory centres as a form of ‘rehabilitation’.
The report is intended as a resource for policy makers, legislators, communities of people who use drugs and civil society organisations in Asia. The overall goal of the report is to offer guidance on steps that countries can undertake to develop drug policies that achieve better public health outcomes, by shifting away from the criminalisation and punishment of people who use drugs. It also describes legal and policy responses to drugs that are not effective, such as the detention of people who use drugs in compulsory centres for drug users, forced urine testing, compulsory registration and other punitive measures.
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