Nota de información para el nuevo Parlamento de Nueva Zelanda de 2017


Nota de información para el nuevo Parlamento de Nueva Zelanda de 2017

3 enero 2018

La New Zealand Drug Foundation hace un paneo de la situación de drogas en el país y esboza cuatro prioridades clave que el nuevo Parlamento debe abordar para mejorar las políticas de drogas. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

To ensure the 52nd Parliament makes health a central focus of drug policy and law in New Zealand, the Drug Foundation has sent a comprehensive briefing to all MPs.

We are all concerned about the harm caused by drugs in New Zealand. But there are solutions. We need our politicians to see that these solutions are sensible and achievable.

We think we can achieve an Aotearoa free from drug harm, if we focus on these four priorities:

Priority 1: Keep young people in school and keep them safe.

Priority 2: Reform our laws to treat drug use as a health issue

Priority 3: Invest more effectively in prevention, harm reduction and treatment.

Priority 4: Reduce drug harm in communities and respond to emerging challenges.