Explorer le traitement de la toxicomanie parmis les sans-abris


Explorer le traitement de la toxicomanie parmis les sans-abris

31 août 2016

Cette recherche met en lumière le recoupement qui existe entre les personnes en situation de précarité du logement, l'usage de drogue et l'abus d'alcool.

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There is much research to suggest a considerable overlap between people experiencing precarious housing, and drug and alcohol misuse.

Linking client data from specialist homelessness services and alcohol and other drug treatment services, this report provides a picture of the intersection of these two issues on a national scale.

It reveals a vulnerable population, in which Indigenous Australians and experiences of domestic and family violence and mental health issues were all over-represented.

Their poorer drug treatment and housing outcomes highlight the level of difficulty faced in assisting these people to achieve long-term outcomes.

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