Événements passés

Résultats 133 à 144 de 719
Reprise de la 63ème session de la CND

Reprise de la 63ème session de la CND

Vienne, Autriche
1 décembre 2020 - 3 décembre 2020
Au cours de la réunion, les États membres voteront sur les recommandations de l'EDD de l'OMS sur la classification du cannabis et des substances apparentées.
Conférence européenne sur la réduction des risques 2020 [REPORTÉE]

Conférence européenne sur la réduction des risques 2020 [REPORTÉE]

Prague, République Tchèque
3 novembre 2020 - 5 novembre 2020
La 5ème édition de la Conférence évaluera les impacts de la réduction des risques et des politiques des drogues sur les personnes usagères de drogues, les travailleurs du sexe et les personnes séropositives. Pour en savoir plus, en Anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous. Harm reduction conferences have a long history in Europe, including Marseille 2011, Basel and Amsterdam in 2014 and Bucharest in 2018. In 2020, the European harm reduction conference will be organised by the Correlation European Harm Reduction Network in close cooperation with the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association and the Czech organization Sananim. The programme is under development in close cooperation with the European Network of People Who Use Drugs, the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, the European Monitoring Centre Drugs and Drug Addiction and other important stakeholders from Europe. Conference Motto Harm Reduction @Work innovation, community & political leadership Target Groups The European Harm Reduction Conference is aimed at professionals from the community, professionals working in the broader area of harm reduction, policy-makers and politicians, researchers and media representatives. Aims of the Conference The conference will present the latest harm reduction developments, innovative and good practices and will discuss drug policy and its implications on people who use drugs and other groups like sex worker and people living with HIV. The meeting intends to broaden the view beyond harm reduction and to address related issues like social inclusion and homelessness. Finally, the conference provides an appropriate platform to create links and synergies between national and European stakeholders.
3ème réunion intersessions de la CND

3ème réunion intersessions de la CND

Vienne, Autriche
18 octobre 2020 - 20 octobre 2020
La réunion sera structurée autour de discussions sur la mise en œuvre des engagements en matière de politique en matière de drogue au niveau international, faisant suite à la Déclaration ministérielle de 2019.
9ème Conférence internationale sur l'hépatite parmi les personnes usagères de drogues (INSHU 2020) [REPORTÉE]

9ème Conférence internationale sur l'hépatite parmi les personnes usagères de drogues (INSHU 2020) [REPORTÉE]

Glasgow, Ecosse
7 octobre 2020 - 9 octobre 2020
La Conférence couvrira les dernières recherches sur l'épidémiologie et le traitement de l'hépatite virale parmi les personnes usagères de drogues. Pour en savoir plus, en Anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous. 9th International Conference on Hepatitis Care in Substance Users SEC Glasgow POSTPONED TO 2021 Given the ongoing impact of COVID-19, INHSU has made the difficult decision to postpone our annual conference. This means that we will hold our next major conference in Glasgow in the later part of 2021. We are working to secure dates and will provide an update as soon as these are confirmed. Given the ongoing uncertainty regarding the progression of the pandemic, the disruption to travel and the impact on economies around the world, we believe the most appropriate course of action is to delay the conference until next year. While we are unable to deliver a major conference in October, we do recognise that there will be a need for us to continue to connect to share our learnings, exchange knowledge and nurture professional relationships. As such, we will be creating opportunities for us to come together virtually and participate in a range of activities and events. We look forward to sharing our plans and inviting you to be part of these. We will continue to communicate with our network as these opportunities emerge. Through this time, our thoughts remain with the patients, healthcare professionals, researchers and others who are responding directly to the COVID-19 pandemic. A full copy of our statement regarding postponing the conference can be found here. Any major updates will be provided to people who are on the Conference mailing list. Click here to join