
MDLE Informe 4 - Implicaciones prácticas y políticas alternativas al arresto y prosecución por delitos menores de marihuana

8 enero 2014

Este informe ofrece una revisión sobre las varias dificultades que podrían confrontar – y confrontan – los servicios de policía cuando se les encomienda implementar la legislación sobre cannabis. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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Modernising drug law enforcement - Report 4

The purpose of this report is not to present a comparative study of legal rules and policies pertaining to cannabis in these or other countries, but to examine an issue largely neglected in the academic literature and by those advocating drug policy reform: namely the practical implications of policing and enforcing these developments.

The report provides an overview of some of the many difficulties that may – and do – confront police services when tasked to implement such measures (including the exercise of discretion) through examination of the rules and experiences of four jurisdictions, namely, Australia, England and Wales, Portugal and Switzerland. Along with some examples from the USA, specific aspects of each case study are scrutinised with the intention of highlighting points likely to be of interest to policy makers and practitioners alike.

Keep up-to-date with drug policy developments by subscribing to the IDPC Monthly Alert.