
Observatorio Europeo de las Drogas y las Toxicomanías: estrategia y plan de trabajo 2013-2015

24 septiembre 2012

Esta estrategia y plan de trabajo trienal se basa en el reconocimiento de que los logros que ha alcanzado el Observatorio desde su creación se explican por haber mantenido la claridad en su propósito, el rigor técnico y una visión de largo plazo.Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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The 2013–15 strategy and work programme is the third one since the EMCDDA’s recast Regulation in 2006. It is built around three top-level commitments: (a) providing a relevant, timely and responsive analysis of the drug situation; (b) efficiency: deriving maximum value from activities and investments; (c) communication and a customer-orientated approach. The bedrock on which this three-year strategy and work plan rests is the recognition that the achievements the agency has made since its inception have been delivered by maintaining clarity of purpose, technical rigour and a long-term vision.

Table of contents

  • Foreword by the EMCDDA Director

  • Context

  • Information and analysis for policy and action: the EMCDDA's strategy and vision for 2013–15

  • From strategic vision to getting results: the EMCDDA's work programme for 2013–15

  • Risk assessment

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