Portugal: 15 años de despenalización


Portugal: 15 años de despenalización

2 diciembre 2016

Al Jazeera analiza los buenos resultados del tratamiento con metadona en la reducción de las sobredosis de heroína y los principios generales de la despenalización de las drogas en Portugal.

Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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by Jurriaan van Eerten

Under a flyover of concrete, alongside a road full of afternoon commuters, a group of people flock around a van. One of them, a woman in a colourful summer dress and a golden necklace, looks like she came to see a show at the nearby theatre. However, just like the man in his unwashed jeans in front of her, she is here for her daily dose of methadone. It will get her through the night.

"Drugs started when my father brought me to the south of Portugal, to the Algarve, where I met people who were in the scene," the woman tells Al Jazeera on condition of anonymity.

"Life was glamorous in these days. Everything sparkled. My boyfriend was a dealer, and I started to push drugs for him, too. We made loads of money. Now he is out of my life, but the addiction has always stayed with me."

Click here to read the full article.

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Thumbnail: Flickr CC fdecomite