Les personnes LGBTQI+ qui consomment des drogues en Thaïlande : Plaidoyer pour l'amélioration des réponses en matière de santé et de droits humains


Les personnes LGBTQI+ qui consomment des drogues en Thaïlande : Plaidoyer pour l'amélioration des réponses en matière de santé et de droits humains

25 juin 2024

L'APCOM et l'IDPC invitent le public, les forces de l'ordre et les décideurs politiques en Thaïlande à contribuer à garantir l'égalité et l'équité pour les personnes LGBTQ+ qui consomment des drogues, en particulier en ce qui concerne leur accès aux services sociaux et de santé, et à mettre fin à la stigmatisation et à la discrimination dont elles sont l'objet. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

Current policies and measures in Thailand are not addressing the needs and are further aggravating the risks and potential harms faced by the LGBTQI+ community, which results in negative experiences and grave health outcomes. There are some positive developments such as proposed anti-discrimination bills for legislative reforms that provide opportunities to support and protect, instead of punishing, members of the LGBTQI+ community. A landmark bill on legalising same-sex marriage passed the final reading in June 2024, making Thailand the first Southeast Asian country to do so. This is significant progress in uprooting systemic discrimination and paving the way for genuine acceptance of the rights of LGBTQI+ individuals. 

Since 2022, APCOM and IDPC have held consultations with civil society organisations working with communities of LGBTQI+ people and people who use drugs in Thailand to discuss their needs and the challenges they face in relation to drugs. The key findings and conclusions of these consultations are presented in this Advocacy Note, including a set of recommendations to four major stakeholder groups: government policymakers, law enforcement, health service providers, and communities of LGBTQI+ people who use drugs.