Des réponses sanitaires aux nouvelles substances psychoactives


Des réponses sanitaires aux nouvelles substances psychoactives

1 juillet 2016
European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)

L'OEDT offre une vue d'ensemble des réponses sanitaires apportées à la consommation de nouvelles substances psychoactives à travers l'Europe. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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The emergence of NPS over the last decade poses an important challenge to drug policy (UNODC, 2013). While prevalence levels of NPS use remain low in the general European population, there are important concerns with more problematic forms of use and harms in particular risk groups across different health and social settings.

Important public health issues have arisen as a consequence of their use, although the real extent of these harms across Europe remains unknown. Initial responses to NPS in Europe have largely been regulatory, focusing on their supply using legislative tools (EMCDDA, 2015a) but, as the phenomenon evolves, it has increasingly become a priority to formulate and implement effective public health responses. Yet, while information on and our understanding of the availability and use of NPS have increased, there are still considerable knowledge gaps in current practices and even in the challenges and needs of European health professionals who are responding to the use of and harms caused by these novel substances.

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