Rapport de la consultation régionale de la société civile d'Europe de l'Ouest: UNGASS sur le problème mondial de la drogue de 2016


Rapport de la consultation régionale de la société civile d'Europe de l'Ouest: UNGASS sur le problème mondial de la drogue de 2016

2 février 2016

Ce rapport résume les sujets abordés et rassemble les organisations présentes lors de la consultation régionale de la société civile d'Europe de l'Ouest, en préparation pour l’UNGASS 2016. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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This consultation event was undertaken during the EU Civil Society Forum on Drugs Meeting which took place between 5-6 October 2015 in Brussels and which was hosted by the European Commission.

The EU Civil Society Forum on Drugs is an expert group of the European Commission, composed of around 40 NGO’s from across Europe. The consultation event was held in an interactive style with NGOs picking one area of specialisation and working with others to identify what could be done better, any models of best practice that could be implemented and what outcomes they would like from the UNGASS process.

The areas of specialiation that the group was consulted on mirrored the priority areas of the UNGASS 2016 process:

  • Drugs and Health
  • Drugs and Crime
  • Drugs and Alternative Development
  • Human Rights, Women, Children and Communities
  • New Challenges, Threats and Realities

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