Connaissez vos droits, utilisez vos lois
Ce livre est destiné aux personnes séropositives ou aux personnes vulnérables aux infections par le VIH, ainsi qu’à leurs partenaires et familles. Il décrit pas à pas comment réagir lorsque vos droits sont violés et comment obtenir de l’aide. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.
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This handbook was written by a team of legal experts and reviewed by community activists working for improving the human rights situation of people with HIV and key populations most at risk of HIV. It is intended for people with HIV, people who are at higher risk of HIV, as well as their partners and family members.
The handbook describes, step by step, how to behave when a rights violation occur, how to document it and how to seek help – directly from the authorities, or with the free help of legal professionals. It is supplemented by a set of user-friendly forms and free legal aid contracts. This handbook was designed for the legal systems of the countries in Eastern Europe and the CIS. It is available in English and Russian.
Keep up-to-date with drug policy developments by subscribing to the IDPC Monthly Alert.
Profils associés
- Regional HIV Legal Network
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)