Honduras: la guerre contre les paysans
Le besoin en terres agricoles au niveau mondial, la guerre contre la drogue et le coup d'Etat de 2009 ne font qu’augmenter les violations des droits humains en Honduras, en particulier parmi les groupes indigènes et les paysans. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.
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Honduras has been militarized for over half a century, allowing the country's infamous "10 families" to carry out national business with impunity since the Cold War. However, recently, the global pressure for agricultural land, the drug wars and the Honduran coup of 2009 have increased the human rights abuses in Honduras.
Indigenous and peasant people are caught between the land grabbers and the War on Drugs. On May 11, 2012, four indigenous villagers, including a 14-year-old boy, were killed during the course of a drug interdiction raid in Ahuas (Moskitia), Honduras. Three others were seriously wounded. At least ten U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents participated in the mission as members of a Foreign-Deployed Advisory Support Team (FAST), a DEA unit first created in 2005 in Afghanistan. According to the New York Times, Honduran police agents that were part of the May 11 operation told government investigators that they took their orders from the D.E.A.
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