ONUDC en Serbie: renforcer les familles et promouvoir la prévention, le traitement et les soins
Le Directeur Exécutif de l’ONUDC, Yury Fedotov, s’est rendu à Belgrade, la capitale de la Serbie, le 23 octobre 2012. Sa visite s'inscrit dans le cadre de la poursuite des travaux de l'ONUDC dans le pays et du Programme régional pour l'Europe du sud-est qui vise à fournir une assistance en matière de prévention des drogues, de traitement et de soins. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.
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Following the launch of UNODC's Regional Programme for South-East Europe earlier this year, Executive Director Yury Fedotov visited this Tuesday the Serbian capital of Belgrade. His visit is part of UNODC's continuing work in the country and of that related to the Regional Programme for South Eastern Europe which aims to provide, among other things, assistance on drug prevention, treatment and care.
As part of the visit, Mr. Fedotov participated in a public conference organized by the city municipality of Zvezdara in Belgrade to highlight UNODC's programme entitled "Prevention of drug use, HIV/AIDS and crime among young people through family skills training programme in low and middle income countries" which was launched in mid-2010. Participants addressing the audience included Assistant Minister Vesna Fila from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Member of City Parliament Milena Bicanin, and Municipality President Edip Serifov.
During the session it was noted that the programme assists in creating stronger and more resilient families through effective strategies in preventing drug use, criminal or violent behaviour and HIV and AIDS as well as other risky behaviours.
With young people from stable family backgrounds seeming to be better equipped to make healthy choices when faced with potentially risky situations, the programme can contribute to the healthy development of children and youth. While the primary outcome of the programme is to promote the health of young people, an added goal is long-lasting results in the form of well-adjusted adults.
"Supporting parents - in terms of communication, supervision, parental involvement and organization - helps promote families that are better equipped to tackle the various obstacles that they face as children develop into young adults", said Mr. Fedotov. "By the end of this year, more than 450 Serbian families will have benefited from this UNODC programme and I am delighted to hear that the feedback from participants has been overwhelmingly positive".
The Regional Programme works to help Governments to counter drug trafficking and organized crime, enhance integrity and justice and provide treatment and care for drug users, including those infected with HIV and AIDS. The programme further aims to promote regional cooperation, including with the European Union and regional bodies.
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Profils associés
- United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)