Conférence européenne sur le travail de proximité
Cette conférence portera sur les stratégies visant à rencontrer et dialoguer avec les différents groupes de jeunes marginalisés.
Pour en savoir plus, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous (en anglais).
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The organizers are pleased to welcome you to the European Conference on Outreach Work, 2014. The main focus will be on how the outreach workers understand, meet and engage with various groups of marginalized youths. There will be a special focus upon youths and young adults with an ethnic minority background. The conference will explore how new pattern of migration will shape new possibilities and challenges for young people in the margin of society. The conference takes place in Oslo, 3 – 4 April, 2014.
The Norwegian Directorate of Health, the Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research and the Norwegian Association for Outreach Workers are organizing this conference jointly with the City of Oslo, Agency for Social and Welfare Services’ Competence Centre and the Outreach Service. The conference has the support of several European networks working in the field. The program has been developed in close cooperation with our partner organizations to ensure a European perspective and high-profiled speakers for the plenary and workshop sessions.We have made an effort to keep the registration fee to a minimum and are confident that you will find it rewarding to attend the conference.
The conference venue will be the Oslo Kongressenter, located in downtown Oslo.
Read here more information about the conference.
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