Alcaldes indonesios realizan una visita de estudio a Ámsterdam


Alcaldes indonesios realizan una visita de estudio a Ámsterdam

14 diciembre 2016
Community Action on Harm Reduction (CAHR)

Representantes municipales de Bandung y Surabaya han desarrollado un plan de seguimiento para introducir en Indonesia las actividades que encontraron útiles en su visita de estudio a Ámsterdam, Países Bajos.

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Rumah Cemara with the support of International HIV/AIDS Alliance, AFEW and Public Health Service (GGD) organised a study tour visit to Amsterdam, Netherlands for representatives of municipalities from Bandung and Surabaya. The visit took place from 15 till 17 November 2016. It was inspired by the ‘City leadership’ and ’90-90-90 cascade’ concepts and included acquaintance with integrated services for people who use drugs, visits to STI clinic and a number of organisations working with vulnerable populations in Amsterdam. The aim of the visit was to demonstrate the best experience of city authorities' involvement into public health issues.

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