La red de Reducción de Daños en África oriental celebra su reunión regional en Kenya


La red de Reducción de Daños en África oriental celebra su reunión regional en Kenya

18 abril 2013

El objetivo de la reunión era compartir experiencias de las distintas regiones en materia de reducción de daños y discutir cómo fortalecer el desarrollo organizativo para establecer una red sólida que abarque toda la región de África oriental. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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On March 27, 2013, the Eastern Africa Harm Reduction Regional Meeting was held in the coastal province of Kenya. The objective of the meeting was to share experiences from the various harm reduction regions and to discuss on strengthening organizational development for a resilient harm reduction network which will cover the Eastern Africa region.

The major outcome of the meeting was that all the attending countries and organizations including Tanzania’s: MdM, Mukikute, TaNPUD, Uganda’s: Ugandan Harm Reduction Network, Zanzibar, Mauritius’s: CUT and Dr. Idrice treatment centre and Kenya agreed to establish and sustain a regional harm reduction network.

This forum exposed the need to have stronger networking in the region since countries like Zanzibar and Uganda were still to incorporate harm reduction interventions in their setting.

Click here to read the full article.

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