El Gobierno ucraniano financiará totalmente la terapia de sustitución de opioides


El Gobierno ucraniano financiará totalmente la terapia de sustitución de opioides

15 noviembre 2016

El Gobierno ucraniano destinará aproximadamente medio millón de dólares para que 8.000 personas que usan drogas inyectadas puedan seguir accediendo a esta terapia en 2017. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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The Government of Ukraine has announced that in 2017 it will fully finance from its budget the national opioid substitution therapy programme for people who use drugs, a key population in Ukraine that is at higher risk of HIV infection. Approximately US$ 500 000 will be allocated to enable 8000 people who inject drugs to continue to access the therapy in 2017.

Ukraine has been providing opioid substitution therapy for 12 years with financial support from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and technical support from UNAIDS and through key partnerships with civil society organizations. People who use drugs with chronic opioid dependence and participate in the programme receive either methadone-based substitution therapy (tablets or liquid methadone) or buprenorphine tablets. Health-care workers provide daily support and counselling.

Click here to read the full article.

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