Politique US des drogues : Clinton contre Trump


Politique US des drogues : Clinton contre Trump

15 novembre 2016
Global Drug Policy Observatory (GDPO)

Un article du Global Drug Policy Observatory affirme que Clinton avait développé une stratégie ambitieuse et progressiste, même si elle soulève quelques questions, alors que la position de Trump est une collection éparse d’idées préconçues. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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On 8th November, the United States will select their next President. Although drug policy will not be a key deciding factor in the election, it has occupied a far more central role than in previous cycles. An analysis of the proposals put forward by Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump points to a chasm between the two main candidates – in both their vision and understanding of the issues at hand.

On the same day, five states - Arizona, California, Maine, Massachusetts, and Nevada – will also vote on whether to legalize and regulate the production, distribution and use of cannabis for recreational purposes. Once again, local policy experimentation will have a significant impact on the country’s drugs landscape.

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