La situation des drogues en Europe : une vue d’ensemble des données disponibles


La situation des drogues en Europe : une vue d’ensemble des données disponibles

18 janvier 2016
European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)

L’Observatoire Européen des Drogues et des Toxicomanies (OEDT) a sorti un nouveau rapport analysant toutes les données disponibles sur l’usage de drogues illicites et les Nouvelles Substances Psychoactives (NPS) en Europe sur l’année 2015. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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A central task for the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) is to produce an annual report of the latest data available on drug demand and drug supply in Europe. This paper is intended to facilitate a better understanding of, and easier access to, the main quantitative European level data sets available in 2015.

The European reporting system formally covers all 28 European Union (EU) Member States, Norway and Turkey and incorporates multiple indicators alongside an early warning system (EWS) on uncontrolled new psychoactive substances (NPS). While epidemiological information is based largely on registries, surveys and other routine data reported annually, the EWS collects case-based data on an ongoing basis. The 2015 reporting exercise is centred primarily on a set of standardized reporting tools.

The most recent data provided by European countries are presented, including data on drug use, drug-related morbidity and mortality, treatment demand, drug markets and new psychoactive substances, with data tables provided and methodological information. A number of key results are highlighted for illustrative purposes.

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