Un outil pour fixer et évaluer les cibles en matière de prévention, de dépistage, de traitement et de prise en charge du VIH chez les populations clés


Un outil pour fixer et évaluer les cibles en matière de prévention, de dépistage, de traitement et de prise en charge du VIH chez les populations clés

17 août 2015

Ce document de l'OMS fournit des directives sur le suivi et l'évaluation de la mise en œuvre de l'ensemble complet d'interventions de lutte contre le VIH parmi les populations clés. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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This WHO document provides guidance on monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the comprehensive package of interventions to address HIV among key populations: men who have sex with men, people in prisons and other closed settings, people who inject drugs, sex workers and transgender people.

The framework presented here is designed to help plan and assess progress at the macro level, in particular for national and subnational programming. This planning and assessment process should involve government agencies, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), communities and service providers involved in developing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating HIV prevention, treatment and care programmes for these key populations. This framework builds on a similar existing framework specific to programmes for people who inject drugs: WHO, UNODC, UNAIDS technical guide for countries to set targets for universal access to HIV prevention, treatment and care for injecting drug users.

This document provides countries with:

  • a set of harmonized indicators to examine the implementation of the package of interventions to address HIV among key populations; and
  • guidance on setting targets for these indicators.

The content of this document derives from existing WHO guidance. It brings together various aspects of programming the response to HIV as well as tuberculosis (TB), hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV), and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) for these key populations.

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