
Premier rapport de tendance du Projet Transeuropéen d’Information sur les Drogues

30 novembre 2012

Ce réseau de partage son expertise et ses données au sein d'un mécanisme européen de surveillance et d'information. Ce rapport de tendance comprend 1 690 analyses de la période de Janvier à Mai 2012. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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The Trans European Drug Information project (TEDI) is a network of European fieldwork Drug Checking services that share their expertise and data within a European monitoring and information system. TEDI’s chief aim is to improve public health and intervention programs. Toward this goal, TEDI has developed a database system that collects, monitors and analyses the evolution of various European drug trends in recreational settings. TEDI project is inside of the European NEWIP project.

This very first trend report includes 1,690 analyses from the period January–May 2012. These analyses were developed by four Harm Reduc2on groups located in three countries: Spain’s Ai Laket!! Analysed 71 samples and Energy Control 808 samples, Austria’s Checkit! Analysed 444 samples, while Switzerland’s analysed 367 samples. As is usual for these types of services, the most analysed substances remain MDMA (29%), cocaine (25%) and amphetamine (24%), which combined represent over 78% of the total analysed samples. This further mirrors current usage trends of substances in recreational settings. However, it must also be emphasised that the number of samples of LSD (58), heroin (41), ketamine (28), methamphetamine (24) and 2C--‐B (19) were also not insignificant.

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