Le gouvernement canadien soutient le premier projet d’approvisionnement sécurisé du genre à Toronto

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Le gouvernement canadien soutient le premier projet d’approvisionnement sécurisé du genre à Toronto

5 mai 2021

La santé publique de Toronto prend l’initiative de réduire l’impact mortel d’un approvisionnement de rue d’opioïdes fortement adultérés. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

By Health Canada

The overdose crisis continues to affect communities and families across Canada. Tragically, we have seen significant increases in overdose deaths and related harms during the COVID-19 pandemic, including in Toronto where overdoses deaths increased significantly between January 1 and November 30 last year. The Government of Canada continues to support increasing access to safer supply projects in communities across Canada to help prevent drug overdoses during the pandemic and beyond.

Today, the Honourable Patty Hajdu, Minister of Health, and John Tory, Mayor of Toronto, announced more than $7.7 million for three projects to increase access to safer supply and provide a new harm reduction and treatment option for people living with opioid use disorder in Toronto. These innovative projects will provide a pharmaceutical alternative to the toxic illegal drug supply and help prevent overdoses.