Après des décennies de guerre, les agriculteurs colombiens font face à un nouveau test : la paix


Après des décennies de guerre, les agriculteurs colombiens font face à un nouveau test : la paix

1 août 2017

Les FARC et le gouvernement cherchent à remplacer la coca par des cultures légales, mais les bénéfices provenant de la coca sont trop tentants et beaucoup se méfient des promesses des autorités. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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By Nicholas Casey

The peace deal signed late last year between the government and the main rebel group — the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, known as the FARC — was never just about ending the Americas’ longest-running conflict. The Colombian government also sees peace as its biggest chance in decades to uproot the rebel-controlled drug trade and replace it with crops that are legal, though admittedly less lucrative.

Peace means that soldiers no longer have to shoot their way into rebel-held territory to pull up coca plants or dismantle drug labs. Now the FARC, which formally disarmed last month, is joining forces with the government to wean farmers off coca — one of the first collaborations ever between the old enemies.

Now, as part of its reconstruction plan for Colombia’s war-ravaged countryside, the government is promising money to the first 50,000 coca-growing families that take the offer: a monthly payment of about $325 for the first year that farmers give up coca, followed by subsidies to plant new crops and education on how to grow them.

Click here to read the full article.

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Thumbnail: Flickr CC Colombia Johana Arias Valle