Cessez les assassinats. Respectez les droits humains. Défendez la démocratie.


Cessez les assassinats. Respectez les droits humains. Défendez la démocratie.

28 septembre 2016

Une large coalition d’organisations regroupées sous la bannière iDefend appellent le gouvernement philippin à mettre un terme à la vague d’assassinats extrajudiciaires provoquée par l’élection de Rodrigo Duterte. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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By iDefend

Today is the International Day of Peace.

Development and peace go together, and this is why the United Nations sees as central to the achievement of sustainable development the drastic reduction of all forms of violence, the promotion of the rule of law, and equal access to justice for all.

This day is especially significant for our country since for the last three months, the country has been wracked by seeming government-sponsored violence and lawlessness, by a war the administration has declared, ostensibly against drugs but which has become a war against poor and marginalized Filipinos. Since the election of President Rodrigo Duterte, over 3000 people, practically all of them alleged drug users from the poor sector of Philippine society, have been subjected to extra-judicial execution either by the police or by vigilante groups. While President Duterte’s subordinates invent ever more complex arguments to exonerate him, he has made little attempt to conceal his preference for the extra-judicial execution of suspected drug dealers and users and his impatience with due process. He has also enthusiastically given the green light to vigilantes to shoot pushers and users. And he has made it very clear that he does not believe in rehabilitation, which is the principal policy of all other governments towards users.

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Thumbnail: iDefend