L'Organisation des Etats Américains adopte sa résolution sur le problème de la drogue sur le continent américain


L'Organisation des Etats Américains adopte sa résolution sur le problème de la drogue sur le continent américain

26 septembre 2014

Cette résolution propose le développement de réponse efficaces aux nouveaux défis posés par le problème mondial de la drogue. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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On the 19th of September, 2014, during the first plenary session of its XLVI Special Session, being held in Guatemala City, the Organization of American States (OAS) adopted by acclamation a resolution that underscores "the importance of hemispheric and international cooperation to jointly tackling the world drug problem, by promoting and strengthening comprehensive policies and, where appropriate, the modernization and professionalization of government institutions."

The resolution entitled "Reflections and Guidelines to Formulate and Follow Up on Comprehensive Policies to Address the World Drug Problem in the Americas" recognizes the importance of implementing the three United Nations conventions on drugs, which constitute the international system's drug control framework, as well as the need for States to consider "regularly reviewing the drug policies adopted, ensuring that they are comprehensive and focused on the well-being of the individual, in order to address their national challenges and assess their impact and effectiveness." The resolution also proposes developing responses to the new challenges posed by the world drug problem "that prevent social costs or contribute to their reduction; and, when appropriate, reviewing traditional approaches and considering the development of new approaches, based on scientific evidence and knowledge."

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