La Grèce ouvre des salles d’injection de drogues pour combattre le VIH


La Grèce ouvre des salles d’injection de drogues pour combattre le VIH

4 décembre 2013

La Grèce a ouvert sa première salle de consommation à moindre risque afin de lutter contre le VIH chez les usagers de drogues injectables.

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Greece has opened its first drug consumption room in an attempt to contain the spreading of infectious diseases among users.

In an attempt to curb its rising HIV rates, the country said consumption rooms are safe places for heroin addicts to inject drugs. The heroin, however, won't be provided — the user has to bring his own. The consumption rooms, though, will carry government-provided clean needles and medical staff are on site to supervise usage.

"Demand is increasing day after day and we believe that very soon we may need more facilities in other parts of the city," said Sakis Papaconstantinou, the head of OKANA which runs the center, according to Reuters.

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