Salles de consommation à moindre risque : Le Canada prévoit d’en ouvrir deux de plus


Salles de consommation à moindre risque : Le Canada prévoit d’en ouvrir deux de plus

10 mai 2013

Plusieurs villes canadiennes envisagent d'ouvrir des salles de consommation à moindres risques dans leurs communautés. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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Several cities in Canada are planning for the implementation of safer consumption services in their communities. That was the conclusion of the speakers at a lively event on feasibility of scaling up supervised consumption services in Canada held at the recent Canadian Association of HIV Care (CAHR) conference in Vancouver.

Sponsored by the Dr. Peter Centre, the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network and the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition, this half-day workshop brought together speakers from Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver to discuss their plans for the scale up of these services across the country. This work builds on the two existing sites in Canada: Insite and the Dr. Peter Centre, both in Vancouver, BC.

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