Aux Pays-Bas, quatre mètres en-dessous du niveau de la douleur

Studio KO


Aux Pays-Bas, quatre mètres en-dessous du niveau de la douleur

28 mars 2018

Les plus de 32 lieux de consommation à moindres risques que comptent les Pays-Bas en disent long sur l’approche pragmatique du pays en matière de politiques des drogues. Pour en savoir plus, en Anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

By Igor Kuzmenko,

There is a lot to learn from the Dutch example when it comes to preventing overdoses and infections. DU News, member of the Drugreporter video network visits a complex drop-in centre in Amsterdam. Watch the video!
The Dutch tend to treat life easier, and a result it often turns out better, and easier, and safer. Perhaps because of this pragmatic attitude, as well as because they accept the world as it is, everything in the Netherlands is so good when it comes to harm reduction services.

(Turn on English subtitles by clicking on the CC button at the right bottom of the video.)