La réunion de l’OEDT se concentre sur les normes de qualité dans le domaine de la réduction de la demande de drogues


La réunion de l’OEDT se concentre sur les normes de qualité dans le domaine de la réduction de la demande de drogues

4 janvier 2017
European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)

L’OEDT s’est réuni pour discuter de la manière dont les conclusions du Conseil sur la mise en œuvre de normes minimales de qualité dans le domaine de la réduction de la demande de drogues au sein de l’UE peuvent concerner des projets aux niveau national, européen et international. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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Quality standards in drug demand reduction will be the focus of discussions today at an EMCDDA meeting gathering experts from seven countries. The purpose of the meeting is to present how the ' Council conclusions on the implementation of minimum quality standards in drug demand reduction in the EU’, adopted by the Council in September 2015, can relate to projects at national, European and international level.

The Council conclusions list 16 standards that represent a minimum benchmark of quality for interventions in: drug use prevention, risk and harm reduction, treatment, social integration and rehabilitation.

Although non-binding for national governments, the document represents the political will of EU countries to address demand reduction interventions through an evidence-based perspective. It invites the EMCDDA to: continue gathering evidence on effective interventions in drug demand reduction; support Member States in the implementation of these standards; and include information on EU minimum quality standards in its annual reporting.

Click here to read the full article.

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Thumbnail: Flickr CC Bobby Hidy