La New Zealand Drus Foundation propose d’améliorer la proposition de loi sur les stupéfiants légaux


La New Zealand Drus Foundation propose d’améliorer la proposition de loi sur les stupéfiants légaux

16 mai 2013

Leprojet de loi doit clairement indiquer queson objectif estde promouvoirla santé et la réduction des risques, ainsi que ladépénalisation de la possessiondedrogues à usagepersonnel. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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The New Zealand Drug Foundation today made its submission to the Health Select Committee on the Psychoactive Substances Bill saying it was a good bill but there are improvements to be made.

The bill, which clarifies the law around substances like synthetic cannabis and party pills, is a world first attempt to regulate the market around legal highs, Drug Foundation Executive Director Ross Bell said. "Given concern around the harm these substances are causing in our communities, the bill needs to explicitly state the legislation is about harm-reduction and health," Mr Bell said.

The Drug Foundation also recommended that all penalties related to the possession of substances be removed. This includes carrying a product or suspicion of carrying a product. "Penalties serve no useful purpose in the bill and risk expanding criminal sanctions against young people in particular."

Read here the full article.

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