Contestación frente a la legalización del cannabis en Nigeria: Narrativas ocultas de cultivadores y comerciantes ilícitos


Contestación frente a la legalización del cannabis en Nigeria: Narrativas ocultas de cultivadores y comerciantes ilícitos

16 enero 2025
Ediomo-Ubong Nelson
Gernot Klantschnig

Nelson y Klantschnig iluminan la relación de los cultivadores con los mercados regulados legalmente, incluidas respuestas críticas a modelos que descuidan su inclusión. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.


This article examines narratives of cannabis legalization in Nigeria. While most existing research on cannabis legalization has concentrated on the global North, we focus on one of Africa's largest cannabis markets, as well as the views of actors heavily criminalized and excluded from policy debates. Based on in-depth interviews and long-time engagement with illicit cannabis farmers and traders, the article highlights the contestations in their hidden narratives, troubling extant views of cannabis legalization which uncritically laud its socioeconomic benefits, and revealing the potential downsides of legalization in the context of an exploitative legal neo-liberal economy rife with social inequities. The findings of this study also highlight a need for open policy debate that engages criminalized cannabis producing communities who have borne the brunt of both prohibition and economic marginalization to chart the way forward for more inclusive and meaningful cannabis policy reform.