Panorámica de la reducción de daños en las cárceles de siete países europeos


Panorámica de la reducción de daños en las cárceles de siete países europeos

31 octubre 2016
Harm Reduction International (HRI)

Harm Reduction International compara los servicios de reducción de daños que se encuentran dentro y fuera de las cárceles, poniendo de manifiesto una marcada diferencia en la prestación de estos. Teniendo en cuenta que las personas que usan drogas están excesivamente representadas entre la población penitenciaria, este es un importante problema en materia de salud pública.

Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.


While the last decade has seen a growth of support for harm reduction around the world, the availability and accessibility of quality harm reduction services in prison settings is uneven and continues to be inadequate compared to the progress achieved in the broader community. This article provides a brief overview of harm reduction in prisons in Catalonia (Spain), Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Poland, and Portugal. While each country provides a wide range of harm reduction services in the broader community, the majority fail to provide these same services or the same quality of these services, in prison settings, in clear violation of international human rights law and minimum standards on the treatment of prisoners. Where harm reduction services have been available and easily accessible in prison settings for some time, better health outcomes have been observed, including significantly reduced rates of HIV and HCV incidence. While the provision of harm reduction in each of these countries’ prisons varies considerably, certain key themes and lessons can be distilled, including around features of an enabling environment for harm reduction, resource allocation, collection of disaggregated data, and accessibility of services.

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