Guía de buenas prácticas para emplear a personas que usan drogas


Guía de buenas prácticas para emplear a personas que usan drogas

4 noviembre 2015

International HIV/AIDS Alliance ofrece herramientas y sugerencias prácticas sobre cómo involucrar de forma significativa a personas que usan drogas en intervenciones dirigidas por pares. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

Suscríbase a las Alertas mensuales del IDPC para recibir información sobre cuestiones relacionadas con políticas sobre drogas.

The International HIV/AIDS Alliance offers practical tools and suggestions on how to meaningfully involve people who use drugs in peer-led interventions.

Participation is a widely held value in the Alliance. Alliance Linking Organisations across the world have a long and proud history of working with, alongside and as part of the communities we serve, the communities hardest hit by HIV and AIDS and by human rights violations related to HIV status, gender, sexuality, sex work or drug use.

Participation takes many forms. At its most modest it can be tokenistic, for example plucking individuals from their communities to serve on a committee or advisory group. But at its best it can be truly transformative, both for our organisations, and for ourselves as advocates, managers, programme officers, people.

One of the most powerful ways that we can demonstrate our commitment to participation is to ensure that the communities we serve are amongst us, in our organisations and part of our daily working lives. That’s where learning happens, and where good ideas and novel approaches unfold.

It’s where we learn most directly about HIV vulnerability and risk, and where we plan and deliver programmes that will bring an end to HIV vulnerability, HIV risk, and ultimately, AIDS. Employing people who use drugs in our organisations is part of that effort. Because of the illegal nature of drug use, this can be complicated. Our practice as employers needs to adapt and be open to challenge. We need to find the balance between rights and responsibilities, and to create working cultures that are both supportive as well as demanding of our staff. Because together, we are in the business of ending AIDS.

Keep up-to-date with drug policy developments by subscribing to the IDPC Monthly Alert.