Mejora del acceso a la atención sanitaria de las personas marginadas
La plataforma ‘Nobody Left Outside’ ofrece algunas orientaciones para que se puedan tomar decisiones fundamentadas sobre el acceso a la atención sanitaria de personas marginadas y desatendidas.
Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.
As a Thematic Network, we have the opportunity to produce a Joint Statement. This JointStatement has been co-created by NLOinitiative participants with input from broaderstakeholders via theEU Health Policy Platform.
In health and social policy, the EU’s main roleis to support and complement the activitiesof Member States by encouraging cooperationand best practices. The EU can introduce policyframeworks that foster good health by supportingdynamic health systems that are integratedand people-centred, as called for by the G7 andOrganisation for Economic Co-operation andDevelopment (OECD), and address inequalitiesby engendering financially sustainable socialprotection and inclusion policies.
This Joint Statement aims to providepolicymakers with a range of priorities, principlesand recommendations on how to improve accessto health and social care for Europe’s mostunderserved people. It aims to translate theunderstanding of the determinants of poor healthand unequal access, together with good practicesand experiences of target communities, intoconcrete calls to action. Inequity is not inevitable.