La delegación de ONG ante la Junta Coordinadora del Programa ONUSIDA busca tres delegados


La delegación de ONG ante la Junta Coordinadora del Programa ONUSIDA busca tres delegados

20 septiembre 2016

El plazo para la presentación de solicitudes finaliza el 30 de septiembre de 2016. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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The NGO Delegation to the Programme Coordinating Board of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS Programme Coordinating Board (UNAIDS PCB) has three vacancies for the two-year term (2017-2018).

The NGO Delegation is now recruiting for:

  • One Africa Delegate (apply)
  • One Latin America and the Caribbean Delegate (apply)
  • One North American Delegate (apply)

Applications from people living with HIV, key populations, women and young people are particularly encouraged.

The NGO Delegation's terms of reference and mission/vision/principles, as well as the call for nominations of NGO delegates are attached to this email.

WHAT IS THE UNAIDS PCB? The UNAIDS PCB is the governing body on all programming issues concerning policy, strategy, finance, monitoring and evaluation of UNAIDS. It is composed of 22 Member States, 11 Cosponsors, and an NGO Delegation of 10 civil society representatives, 2 per UN region. For more information about the UNAIDS PCB, please visit this link.

The NGO Delegation is integral to the effective inclusion of community voices, representing the perspectives of civil society, including people living with HIV, within UNAIDS programs and policies. It is a unique opportunity for committed activists and advocates to make a difference in HIV and AIDS policy implementation globally and in their regions. UNAIDS was the first UN program to have formal civil society representation on its governing body through the NGO Delegation. For more information about the NGO Delegation, please visit this link.

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Thumbnail: Corresponsales Clave