Washington DC legaliza la posesión y el uso de marihuana


Washington DC legaliza la posesión y el uso de marihuana

25 marzo 2015

Los residentes y visitantes mayores de 21 años pueden poseer hasta 2 onzas (56 gramos) de cannabis y cultivar algunas plantas en su domicilio. Comprar y vender cannabis sigue siendo ilegal, al igual que fumarlo en lugares públicos. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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Washington DC has become the latest place in the United States to legalise the possession of small amounts of marijuana.

From the people who use the drug in private no longer face prosecution in Washington DC. The change has created tension between the city's mayor and Congress. Washington DC joins Alaska, Colorado, and Washington state as the only places in the US that allow the use of the drug for recreational purposes.

Residents and visitors to the city over the age of 21 can possess as much as 2oz (56g) of cannabis, and may grow a few plants at home. Buying and selling the drug remains illegal, as does smoking it in public. The plan was overwhelmingly agreed in a referendum last November.

Click here to read the full article.

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