Dando a conocer la labor de las organizaciones de usuarios de drogas en la próxima reunión paralela de la JCP de ONUSIDA
La reunión paralela tiene como objetivo poner de relieve la vital labor que realizan las organizaciones encabezadas por usuarios de drogas y los servicios dirigidos por pares en la respuesta al VIH. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.
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The International Network of People Who Use Drugs (INPUD) is holding a side-meeting, co-sponsored by the NGO Delegation, at the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) meeting which will be held from 9th to 11th December in Geneva, Switzerland. The side meeting will be held during the thematic segment devoted to Halving HIV Transmissions Amongst People who Inject Drugs by 2015. It will aim to highlight the vital work done by drug user-led organisations or peer-run services in the HIV response.
To make sure that the meeting is representative and showcases the most innovative drug user organisations out there, INPUD are putting out this call for case studies to be presented in the meeting. INPUD will pay for one representative of each of the chosen organisations to come to Geneva to attend the event and present in the meeting.
INPUD cannot guarantee that all case studies will be selected as they will only be able to showcase three or four of them at most at the meeting. But please, if you would like to participate, email Eliot Albers from INPUD at eliotalbers@inpud.net before 20th October 17hr BST (16hr GMT/UTC). The form to be used is available below.
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