Uruguay venderá la marihuana libre de impuestos para luchar contra los traficantes de drogas
Uruguay eximirá de impuestos la producción y la venta de marihuana, en un intento de garantizar que los precios permanezcan lo suficientemente bajos como para socavar la competencia del cannabis del mercado negro, que entra de contrabando desde Paraguay. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.
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Uruguay will exempt marijuana production and sales from taxes in a bid to ensure prices remain low enough to undercut competition from black market pot smuggled in from Paraguay, according to consultants advising the government on a legalization plan.
Congress approved a law allowing the cultivation and sale of marijuana in December, making Uruguay the first country to do so, with the aim of wresting the business from criminals.
"The principal objective is not tax collection. Everything has to be geared toward undercutting the black market," said Felix Abadi, a contractor who is developing Uruguay's marijuana tax structure. "So we have to make sure the price is low."
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