
La Asociación de Directores de Prisiones del Reino Unido insta al Gobierno a estudiar alternativas a la guerra contra las drogas

10 mayo 2013

La Asociación de Directores de Prisiones del Reino Unido se ha sumado a las organizaciones que instan a los Gobiernos a “cuantificar las consecuencias negativas indeseadas del actual enfoque frente a las drogas”. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.

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This week the Prison Governors Association became the latest organisation to sign up in support of an international initiative that calls upon the government to “quantify the unintended negative consequences of the current approach to drugs, and assess the potential costs and benefits of alternative approaches”.

50 Years of the War on Drugs – Time to Count the Costs, is a global project that has the support of nearly 70 NGOs around the world and two former presidents.

Eoin McLennan-Murray of the PGA said: “The blanket prohibition on class A drugs allows criminals to control both the supply and quality of these drugs to addicts who turn to crime to fund their addiction. The Prison Governors' Association believe that a substantial segment of the prison population have been convicted of low level acquisitive crimes simply to fund that addiction.

Read here the full article.

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