XV Congreso Mundial de la Asociación Europea de Cuidados Paliativos
El congreso brindará a los delegados la oportunidad de discutir los avances en el campo de los cuidados paliativos, debatir cómo se está desarrollando el acceso a estos a escala mundial, y evaluar la integración de los cuidados paliativos en los sistemas de salud.
Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo.
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The congress will provide the opportunity for delegates to discuss advances in the field of palliative care, to debate how access to palliative care is developing globally, to assess the integration of palliative care across healthcare systems and ultimately to affirm, change and develop our multi-professional practice.
From the first EAPC congress in Paris in 1988 to the latest in Copenhagen in 2015 the EAPC World Congresses have developed and evolved and continue to provide a platform for the voice of those working in palliative care. The EAPC was established in 1988 and strives to develop and promote palliative care throughout Europe through information, education and research using multi-professional collaboration.
The scientific committee for the congress in 2017 aims to provide a rich and varied programme with a mix of world-leading palliative cares plenary speakers, early career researchers, clinical and academic experts, and a range of presentations and posters from submitted abstracts.
Click here for the full programme
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