Conferencia de Reducción de Daños de EuroHarm


Conferencia de Reducción de Daños de EuroHarm

26 septiembre 2014

El evento se centrará en los ámbitos clave de la prevención de sobredosis, las salas de consumo de drogas y la promoción de la reducción de daños a través de políticas de drogas locales. Más información, en inglés, está disponible abajo. [More information in English is available below.]

Suscríbase a las Alertas mensuales del IDPC para recibir información sobre cuestiones relacionadas con políticas sobre drogas.

The EuroHRN network has been focusing on key areas for innovative harm reduction practice and policy across Europe. This meeting is open to delegates who wish to learn more about harm reduction within Europe as well as strengthening the ongoing work of the European Harm Reduction Network. The event will focus on the key areas of overdose prevention, drug consumption rooms and promoting harm reduction through local drug policies. Key stakeholders such as civil society, service providers and policy makers will all benefit from this event.

The conference will present the results of the last 2 years of EuroHRN project activities. During the various sessions of the event the structure and future focus for the European Harm Reduction Network over the next years will be discussed. This meeting will also provide opportunities for drug user representatives to discuss the European Network of People Who Use Drugs (EuroNPUD) and for representatives of Drug Consumption Rooms to intensify their collaboration.

The following topics will be highlighted:

  • Overdose prevention (APDES, EHRN):
  • the advocacy campaign 'I am the evidence'

  • peer education in naloxone distribution

  • debate on future strategies for overdose prevention
  • Drug consumption rooms (FRG, Akzept):
  • results of a pilot study in Amsterdam and Frankfurt

  • analysis of concepts and best practices

  • international network of Drug Consumption Rooms
  • Promoting harm reduction through local policies (AFR):
  • working with media

  • involvement of PWUD in local policies

  • harm reduction and law enforcement on local level


The conference is free of charge for EuroHRN members, drug user representatives and representatives of drug consumption rooms. Other participants should pay 100 Euro registration fee.

For more information and registration please click here.

Keep up-to-date with drug policy developments by subscribing to the IDPC Monthly Alert.

Amsterdam, Países Bajos
Inicio30 septiembre 2014
Finalizar2 octubre 2014

Perfiles relacionados

  • European Harm Reduction Network (EuroHRN)
