Une vision multinationale des régimes de production de cannabis


Une vision multinationale des régimes de production de cannabis

30 janvier 2014

Ce rapport décrit certaines des décisions légales prises en matière de régimes de production de cannabis pour des fins non-médicales et non-scientifiques.

Pour en savoir plus, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous (en anglais).

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The vast majority of countries are signatories to international treaties that prohibit the production, distribution and possession of cannabis for non-medical and non-scientific purposes. The treaties have not changed in nearly 25 years, but laws and policies pertaining to cannabis have changed in some countries.

Several jurisdictions have reduced the penalties for possessing cannabis for personal use (and in some places even for home cultivation), making the maximum penalty a fine and/or participating in some type of diversion programme or community sentence. Some jurisdictions have taken more dramatic steps and changed their laws and practices with respect to producing and distributing cannabis.

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