
Marchés des drogues et aide internationale

10 octobre 2013

Ce rapport explore les raisons sous-jacentes à la distribution des aides internationales vis-à-vis des efforts anti-drogue, et met en évidence certains raisonnements géopolitiques liés à ces programmes d’aide.

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Modernising drug law enforcement - Report 6

This briefing paper explores the rationale behind aid distribution vis-à-vis counter-narcotics and emphasises some of the geopolitical reasoning often underpinning the delivery of aid packages. Second, the authors assess the impact of foreign aid on both the security and drug markets of traditional consumer states, and on countries on the drug supply side.

The briefing paper then focuses on the challenges of introducing demand and harm reduction practices into the design of aid packages and assesses competing narratives highlighting the juxtaposition of development and counter-narcotics priorities, and the clash between long-term objectives and benefits on the one hand and short-term ones on the other.

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