
La criminalité transnationale organisée en Asie de l'Est et dans le Pacifique: une évaluation des menaces

29 avril 2013

Ce rapport de l'ONUDC analyse les mécanismes du commerce illicite en Asie de l’Est et dans le Pacifique: le comment, où, quand, qui, pourquoi des marchés de contrebande qui affectent la région. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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The East Asia and the Pacific region has experienced rapid economic and social changes during the past few decades and faced the considerable regulation challenges that these changes have created for public authorities. The report takes a look at the manner in which criminal enterprises have developed alongside legitimate commerce in recent years.

The report draws on official statistics and academic studies, as well as interviews with law enforcement and criminal justice officials. The key objective is to further the understanding about the mechanics of illicit trade: the how, where, when, who, and why of selected contraband markets affecting the region. The report also endeavours to give the best reading of the limited available data on the size of these markets, although it is a challenge to quantify them precisely due to information and data gaps.

According to the report, an estimated 65 metric tons of heroin worth US$16.3 billion flowed within the region in 2011, of which two-thirds were produced in the Shan State of Myanmar. A significant proportion of the US$15 billion worth of methamphetamine within the region is manufactured in the region itself, although there are notable amounts entering the region from West Africa and Middle East.

The report also sheds light on the phenomenon of smuggling of migrants and human trafficking that remain a persistent problem in the region.

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