
Résultats 3049 à 3060 de 3348
25 octobre 2012

Salle de consommation : l'expérimentation, enfin !

Communiqué de presse du 22 octobre 2012 sur la décision de la Ministre de la Santé à propos de l'expérimentation des salles de consommation à moindre risque, qui ouvriront avant la fin de 2012.
23 octobre 2012

Etude de cas: répondre aux besoins des consommatrices de drogues en Malaisie

Le projet « CAHR » travaille avec le Conseil de Lutte contre le sida de Malaisie pour effectuer des recherches afin de mieux cerner les besoins, les facteurs de risque et les obstacles à l’accès au traitement auxquels sont confrontées les consommatrices de drogues. Ces recherches serviront de base pour un projet pilot visant à résoudre ces problèmes. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous. Abonnez-vous à l'Alerte mensuelle de l'IDPC pour recevoir des informations relatives à la politique des drogues. Injecting drug use is a major factor in HIV transmission. One third of HIV infections outside of sub-Saharan Africa are the result of injecting drugs, and women who use drugs, are a highly vulnerable and often hidden population. Inequalities, gender norms and violence often place women who use drugs at high risk of HIV transmission while the intense stigma and discrimination they face can make accessing health services very difficult. Where harm reduction services are available, too few specifically meet the needs of women. The Alliance’s Community Action on Harm Reduction project (CAHR) is focused on improving the lives of drug users, their partners and families in five countries, including Malaysia. A fundamental part of this work is reaching women who use drugs and making sure harm reduction services meet their needs. Identifying risk factors The CAHR project is working with the Malaysian AIDS Council (MAC) and has carried out research to better ascertain the needs, risk factors and barriers to treatment faced by women who use drugs. This research will form the basis of a pilot project to address these issues. The research, conducted by the Centre of Excellence for Research in AIDS at the University of Malaya, surveyed 104 women who use drugs in Kuala Lumpur. The majority were aged between 31 and 50 years, ethnically Malay, and had received some secondary school education. Almost two out of ten women engaged in sex work, and nearly all women interviewed had been detained in the past. Most were detained by the police. The main substances they reported using were methamphetamines, alcohol and heroin. A quarter of participants were on methadone. The research showed that they were especially vulnerable to sexual violence and HIV. One in five women reported having been physically threatened, 27% had been sexually molested as a child and one in five had been forced to have sex. Reducing this vulnerability to sexual violence will be a key part of the pilot programme. The pilot programme will also look at improving the lives of women who use drugs through: Drug management services including methadone therapy HIV prevention and reducing the risks related to sex work Sexual and reproductive health services Care for children or women who use drugs Support for those living with HIV Income generation Advocacy support You can read the full study here. Community action on harm reduction In each year of the project in Malaysia research will be carried out with key population groups and followed by a pilot programme. By 2014, the project will have reached 23,600 people who inject drugs which will equate to an increase in the national-wide annual coverage of this population by approximately 25%. The CAHR project is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the government of the Netherlands (BUZA). You can read more about CAHR on the project’s website: Keep up-to-date with drug policy developments by subscribing to the IDPC Monthly Alert.
23 octobre 2012

Les organisations de la société civile effrayées de remettre en question les politiques gouvernementales

Une étude menée par une équipe de chercheurs a révélé l’appui restreint du Fonds Mondial aux initiatives de plaidoyer dans trois pays de l’ex-URSS. Elle a aussi révélé que ces initiatives avaient peu d’impact sur la réforme des politiques en matière de drogues. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous. Abonnez-vous à l'Alerte mensuelle de l'IDPC pour recevoir des informations relatives à la politique des drogues. Civil society advocacy for health issues such as HIV transmission through injecting drug use is higher on the global health agenda than previously, but its impact on national policy reform has been limited. This is one of the conclusions of a study by several researchers published in an article in the journal International Health Policy on 4 July 2012. The article was written by Andrew Harmer of the Centre for Research on Health and Social Care Management, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy. The study found that despite concerted efforts by the international community to raise the profile of civil society engagement in the health policy process, the Global Fund’s financing of advocacy by civil society organisations (CSOs) in the former Soviet Union has been limited. The study examined civil society advocacy efforts to reform HIV/AIDS and drugs-related policies and their implementation in three countries: Georgia, Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine. It also assessed the direct and indirect effects of Global Fund support for CSO advocacy in these countries. The study was done through interviews conducted between February and August 2010 with representatives from CSOs who are recipients of Global Fund grants and who work in the field of harm reduction for injecting drug users. The Global Fund has provided support for CSO advocacy as follows: Georgia $507,000, Kyrgyzstan $716,580 and Ukraine $630,000. The money was used to fund conferences and meetings where CSOs exchanged information with government agencies and discussed policy; press conferences, communications and materials; advocacy training at summer schools; and working groups established to develop policy proposals. Some interviewees were critical of the quality of the training, which consisted of one-off sessions rather than ongoing, systematic support. They said the training tended to focus on a limited number of topics that reflected the priorities of the grants rather than being grounded in the needs of vulnerable groups. Interviewees said the HIV/AIDS programmes supported by the Global Fund appear to approach advocacy as a one-off training exercise instead of providing long-term support for CSOs. “Funding is mostly short-term, making it impossible for CSOs to establish long-term strategies,” the researchers wrote. The study found that there was a relatively strong CSO advocacy environment in Ukraine, which stemmed from the fact that two large CSOs – the International HIV/AIDS Alliance and the Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS – acted as principal recipients (PRs) for the Round 6 HIV/AIDS grant. Their status as PRs raised their profile and made them a powerful voice among CSOs, resulting in a number of successful national advocacy campaigns. A key problem described by several CSOs in these countries was the perception that challenging government policies would prejudice their chances of receiving future Global Fund grants. Small CSOs receiving single grants in Kyrgyzstan, and to some extent Georgia, felt particularly vulnerable, and were more cautious about embarking on advocacy activities, especially at the national level, than those larger, more visible CSOs that received funding from multiple sources. In Kyrgyzstan, an additional problem stemmed from breaks in Global Fund financing to CSOs, which created fragility and jeopardised both service delivery and staff retention. This undermined advocacy efforts because CSOs were forced to concentrate on maintaining a skeleton service with limited resources. The study says that the Global Fund is beginning to recognise the importance of CSO capacity building. It also found that an indirect effect of capacity building from Global Fund grants has been to build an enabling environment in which communities can advocate for reform of government HIV/AIDS-related policies. The study provides examples of strengthened relations between CSOs and government officials that are beginning to erode the stereotypes each sector has of the other. The researchers concluded that “whilst advocacy may now be a higher priority for the Global Fund Secretariat, there is a sense among CSOs that this has not yet permeated fully to the Fund’s country-level governance mechanisms.” The researchers said that, given the Global Fund’s principle of country ownership, it is not in a position to positively discriminate against grants with an explicit advocacy component. “However,” they added, “if the Global Fund is serious about strengthening communities as a way to strengthen health systems, it could positively promote advocacy as an integral component of health systems strengthening.” Keep up-to-date with drug policy developments by subscribing to the IDPC Monthly Alert.
23 octobre 2012

La guerre contre la drogue au-devant de la scène en Amérique Latine

Quelques 30 usagers et ex-usagers en provenance d’Argentine, d’Uruguay, de Bolivie, du Pérou, de la Colombie, du Mexique, du Costa Rica et du Brésil présenteront présentera une vue d'ensemble des politiques en matière de drogues et de l’organisation des usagers de drogues dans leurs pays lors de la Conférence « la guerre contre la drogue au-devant de la scène en Amérique Latine ». Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.
16 octobre 2012

Cannabis-addictions : la nécessité d’un débat

L’ensemble des études qui sont sorties ces derniers mois sur les usages de substances psychoactives, d’ESCAPAD et ESPAD 2011 à HBSC en avril 2012 et qui se rajoutent à d’autres études en santé publique, montre la nécessité de repenser la politique des addictions