L’ANCD consacre une partie de son site internet aux centres de détention pour usagers de drogues


L’ANCD consacre une partie de son site internet aux centres de détention pour usagers de drogues

26 octobre 2012

L’APDIC consacre désormais une partie de son site internet aux rapports et aux informations issus de ses tables rondes sur les centres de détention pour usagers de drogues, en collaboration avec l’ONUDC, ESCAP et l’ONUSIDA et avec l’appui d’AusAID.Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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In response to the volume of work being undertaken by the ANCDs Asia-Pacific Drug Issues Committee (APDIC) on compulsory centres for drug users (CCDU), Dr John Herron (ANCD Chairman) and A/Prof Robert Ali (APDIC Chair) are pleased to announce that APDIC has now established a dedicated area within its website to provide reports and information on the CCDU Roundtables it undertakes with the UNODC, ESCAP & UNAIDS, and with the support of AusAID. The webpage will also host a selection of relevant and related documents and reports and useful links to better inform discussion and debate on this important health and human rights issue in our Region.

The new page on CCDUs can be found at http://apdic.ancd.org.au/ccdus.html

In particular I draw your attention to the following documents from the 2nd CCDU Roundtable held in Kuala Lumpur earlier this month.

1. Second CCDU Roundtable report (October 2012) Read

2. Speech presented by the UNODC to the Second CCDU Roundtable Read

3. Speech presented by AusAID Minister Counsellor to the Second CCDU Roundtable Read

4. Speech presented by the Malaysian Deputy Minister for Home Affairs to the Second CCDU Roundtable Read

APDIC will be adding a number of other relevant documents to the reports already listed and invites you to visit the page again in a few weeks for a large selection of documents.

If you have reports or links that you believe should be considered for inclusion within this website CCDU section then please send to julie@ancd.org.au

Keep up-to-date with drug policy developments by subscribing to the IDPC Monthly Alert.