Le gouvernement marocain ratifie le projet de loi sur le cannabis destiné à des usages médical et industriel



Le gouvernement marocain ratifie le projet de loi sur le cannabis destiné à des usages médical et industriel

29 mars 2022

Le décret prévoit la création d'une autorité chargée de délivrer les licences et limite la culture à quelques régions du nord du pays. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

Par Khouloud HASKOURI, Hespress

The Moroccan government ratified the draft law pertaining to the legalization and framing of cannabis production in the country this Thursday, on its weekly government council.

Government spokesperson Mustapha Baitas made the announcement in a press conference today, saying “the government ratified numerous provisions relating to the implementation of the law, ” first introduced nearly a year ago.

The legislation falls under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Interior and lists the regions in which it is permissible to license the cultivation and production of cannabis and the establishment and exploitation of its cultivation and storage facilities have been identified.

The law lists the provinces of Al Hoceima, Chefchaouen, and Taounate, but the spokesperson specified the possibility of adding other regions according to the demand of national and international investors for activities related to the production chain of cannabis in possible.

It also provides for the creation of an advisory committee to study licensing applications and express its opinion thereon, to be chaired by the Agency’s Director-General or his representative, and composed of representatives of the concerned sectors.