Révision du Guide de l'OMS sur la mise en œuvre de politiques nationales équilibrées pour l'accès et l'usage des médicaments contrôlés


Révision du Guide de l'OMS sur la mise en œuvre de politiques nationales équilibrées pour l'accès et l'usage des médicaments contrôlés

4 février 2020
World Health Organization (WHO)

Une audience publique sera organisée sur le champ d'application du document qui est actuellement en cours de révision. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

In June 2019, WHO announced the revision of two pain management guidelines. A full web statement on this revision can be found here.

The document “Ensuring balance in national policies on controlled substances: Guidance for availability and accessibility of controlled medicines (2011)” is being revised in accordance to the methods and procedures outlined in WHO Handbook for Guideline Development.

The new guideline will assist policy makers as well as programme managers and experts in countries in the formulation and implementation of balanced policies to ensure access to and safe use of controlled medicines while preventing their diversion, misuse and harm to health.

As part of the revision of this document, WHO is carrying out an online public hearing on the scope of the guideline on 19 February 2020 at 14:00 CET.

Additional information on how to register for this public hearing can be found here . The deadline to register interest in submitting a written or oral statement at the public hearing is 11 February.

For any further queries, please contact controlled.medicines@who.int