La Cour constitutionnelle géorgienne décide que la prison est une peine trop sévère pour de la consommation de cannabis


La Cour constitutionnelle géorgienne décide que la prison est une peine trop sévère pour de la consommation de cannabis

4 janvier 2017

La Cour constitutionnelle géorgienne a statué que les peines prescrites par la loi pour la consommation, l’acquisition, la possession et la culture de cannabis destiné à un usage personnel sont inconstitutionnelles. Pour en savoir plus, en anglais, veuillez lire les informations ci-dessous.

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Being charged with possession and consumption of marijuana will no longer land you in jail in Georgia, after the Constitutional Court on Thursday ruled it unconstitutional to use sanctions prescribed by the law for consumption, purchase, possession and cultivation of the plant for individual purposes.

The Court made its decision based on a lawsuit filed by the Public Defender’s Office, demanding to suspend the penalty of imprisonment, as it is an ‘irrelevant, too strict and degrading’ form of punishment.

“The Constitutional Court found that the norms referring to the use of a small amount of marijuana, as well as its purchase, storage and product on, are unconstitutional,” the statement reads.

Click here to read the full article.

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